Alokaye Rukmini Kalyanam! PART: 2

Rukminī appeared enchanting as the Lord's Shaktī. She was whirling a lotus in one hand and holding Her friend with Her another arm. Rukminī was of fresh and unparalleled beauty. Her countenance was like the moon from which Her various ornaments derived their lustre. Her lovely golden face was adorned by Her sweet smile, with Her jasmine-bud teeth reflecting the glow of her bimba-red lips. Shining earrings dangled from Rukminī's ears. Her lotus eyes were broad and beautiful. Her long, curly, thick and dark hair was weaved into a braid adorned with many precious jewels. Her body was tall and slender and Her nails were red. Rukminī walked gracefully in the gait of a swan with Her anklets tinkling melodiously.
All the Kings who noticed the Princess became stupefied with the arrows of cupid and fell unconscious but Vaidarbhī displayed Her beauty for Krishna alone. She, who was difficult to be seen by even the Devas, was seen by Krishna with His mind. Govinda saw Rukminī who appeared like a blazing flame of fire, like Srī Herself who had descended from Her lotus seat. On beholding Bhaishmī's matchless beauty, Mādhava's love for Her grew like the flames of fire that rise on receiving oblations of Ghee.
Extremely eager to behold Her Lord, Rukminī moved away the curly strands of hair over Her eyes with Her fingernails. She looked shyly from the corners of Her eyes and saw Achyuta. Her joy knew no bounds and was eager to go with Him. Krishna jumped down, swiftly lifted Rukminī at once and made Her mount His chariot while His enemies looked on speechlessly. Krishna exited from the army of kings and rode away with Rukminī, like a lion emerges from a pack of wolves.
The divine Couple gazed at each other continuously. Their affection was boundless. Rukminī's glances were like garlands adorning Krishna. She was blissful to finally unite with Krishna and tears of happiness trickled from Her lotus eyes. Krishna lovingly held His Beloved close to Him and wiped away Her tears. Vaidarbhī rested Her head on Krishna's broad shoulders, enjoying the warmth of His love.
The foolish Shishupāla was saddened. Jarāsandha could not tolerate the humiliation. He exclaimed, "Though we are mighty archers, mere cowherds have stolen our honour, just like puny animals steal the honor of lions!” All the infuriated Kings mounted their horses and armed themselves to fight. They rained arrows on the Yādava army.  Rukminī, seeing her Lord’s army covered by torrents of arrows, looked at Krishna's face with fear-stricken eyes. Krishna gently laughed and assured Her, "O dear One, Do not worry! These armies are about to be destroyed by Your soldiers. Your grace alone will make us victorious!"
The heroes of the Yādava army headed by Balarāma began striking down the enemies with iron arrows. Many soldiers were killed and maimed in the war and Jarāsandha left the battlefield, unable to bear the defeat. He and the rest of the Kings consoled Shishupāla who was disturbed and pale. Everyone except Rukmī returned to their capitals. Rukmī was enraged and could not bear the fact that Krishna had carried off his Sister. Thus he pursued the Lord with a large army and vowed, "I will not enter Kundināpura if I do not kill Krishna in battle and bring Rukminī back with me." Rukmī commanded his charioteer to pursue Mādhava's chariot and boasted. He met Krishna and challenged Him to fight. "Wherever You go, carrying off my sister like a crow stealing sacrificial butter, I will follow. This very day I shall break Your false pride, You fool, You deceiver, You cheater! Release the girl before you are killed by me!"
Madhusūdhana only smiled in response to this and shattered Rukmī's bow. The Lord struck Rukmī’s four horses with eight arrows, his chariot driver with two, and the chariot’s flag with three. Rukmī picked up multiple bows but all were broken by Krishna's arrows. Whatever weapon Rukmī picked up, Lord Krishna smashed it to bits. Finally Rukmī leapt from his chariot and ran towards Krishna furiously with a sword. As Rukmī attacked Him, the Lord shot arrows that broke Rukmī’s sword and shield into small pieces. Krishna then grabbed His own sharp sword and prepared to kill Rukmī. A compassionate and virtuous Rukminī became worried of Her brother's life and fell at the feet of Her beloved Keshava. She prayed, "O immeasurable One, Lord of lords, Master of the universe! O all auspicious and mighty-armed One, please do not kill my brother!" 
Vaidarbhī's voice trembled with emotions. She was filled with fear and grasped Krishna's feet. Krishna was filled with compassion and consoled Her. He spared Rukmī's life but tied him up with a piece of cloth and disfigured Rukmī by comically shaving him, leaving parts of his moustache and hair. It was Rukminī's kindness that saved the life of Her brother who didn't even respect Her choices.
The Yādava army returned after defeating everyone. When Balarāma saw the pathetic state of Rukmī, he was shocked. He released Rukmī and gently reprimanded Krishna. Balarāma consoled Rukminī, praised Her virtues and told Her not to grieve. Rukmī could not forget this humiliation. He established another city called Bhojakata and resided there. Rukminī, Krishna and Balarāma proceeded to Dwāraka.
The divine Couple was warmly welcomed in Dwāraka. The citizens were overjoyed to behold Krishna united with Rukminī who was Srī Herself. The people were astonished to hear the story of Rukminī and the city was decorated beautifully to celebrate the royal wedding. Devakī, Vasudeva and all the elders were elated to have Rukminī as their Daughter-in-law. Dwāraka's splendour increased when Rukminī set Her lotus Feet in the palace. On an auspicious day, the wedding was fixed. A beautiful Mandapa was prepared. It was studded with all kinds of precious gems. It had thousands of pillars and banana trees tied with the silken cords. There were innumerable garlands of campaka flowers, the tender leaves of the sandal-wood and mango trees. The palace was surrounded by many Brahmanas and kings.
Krishna entered the gem-studded Mandapa of Dwāraka in the gait of a lion. He was looking enchanting. His dark complexion reflected His vastness like that of the ocean. He wore a majestic crown studded with gems and the peacock feathers attached to His crown swayed gently. Keshava's dark and curly hair fell upto His shoulders. A few locks of His hair beautifully tried to cover His broad forehead which had a Tilaka. Pundarikāksha's large lotus eyes were playful. He had a sharp nose, mirror-like cheeks and coral lips. Matsya Kundala dangled from His ears. He was draped in dazzling Pītāmbara and adorned with all kinds of ornaments. His strong arms stretched up to His knees and playfully held a flute. The golden armlets and bracelets appeared like bright creepers on mountains. He wore garlands of pearls, rubies, gold and diamonds across His chest which was the abode of Srī. The Kaustubha Gem around His neck illuminated the palace. His tender Lotus feet softened the floor of the wedding Mandapa. Bhuvanasundara's entry made everyone blissful.
Rukminī entered the Mandapa gracefully like a swan. Her beauty was beyond description and even outshone Krishna's beauty. She was draped in silk garments and adorned with various kinds of jewellery. She had the complexion of molten gold and the dark colour of Her attire suited Her golden hue. Her tender limbs were plastered with sandal paste. Her long braided hair was studded and strung with many flowers, precious gems and pearls. A tiara and many other pieces of jewellery shone on top of Her head.  A lustrous pendant hung on Her forehead which had a spot of Kastūri and vermillion. Her large earrings were illuminated by the lustre of Her cheeks. Vaidarbhī had a lovely and shy smile. Her lotus eyes lined with kohl were dark as Krishna Himself. Her beautiful nose had a large nosering. She wore many bangles and armlets on Her arms. Various garlands of jasmine flowers, gold and many precious gems were worn by Rukminī. The tinkling of Her anklets, bangles and chains matched the wedding songs. All the yogis, Gods, sages, Siddhas and Kings bowed reverently before Rukminī who was Mahālakshmī Herself.
Rukminī and Krishna glanced at each other multiple times. They were made to sit on a swing. The Maiden who massages the Feet of the Supreme One reclining on the Ocean of milk, held the hand of Padmanābha and sat beside Him. Seeing the form of Govinda which surpassed a crore cupids, Vaidarbhī's delicate lotus face reddened with shyness. Achyuta Gopāla couldn't take His eyes off His Beloved and Rukminī happily swung with Him on the swing. After this ritual, exchanging of garlands took place. Rukminī lovingly garlanded Her Lord. Her slender hands themselves were like a lotus garland. Krishna happily bent a little to receive the garland. He in turn gently placed a garland over Vaidarbhī's shoulders. She was overwhelmed with shyness and bent Her head gently. Lord Keshava accepted Bhīshmaka Sutā's hand in marriage like Lord Shiva had accepted Devī Pārvatī.
Other prescribed Vedic rituals were followed by Rukminī and Krishna who never stopped looking at each other. Puffed rice was poured into the sacred fire by the divine Couple. Rukminī sat on a golden platform and  Krishna adorned Her neck with the Māngalya Sūtra. The parting on Rukminī's forehead was filled with Sindūrā and Her face glowed beautifully with affection. The garments of Krishna and Rukminī were tied together. Holding hands, They walked seven rounds around the fire. Krishna walked ahead in the first four rounds and was followed by Rukminī. By this act, Rukminī became Krishna's wife. In the next three rounds, Rukminī walked ahead. Krishna, who was Lord Vishnu Himself, chanted the mantra which means 'let Vishnu follow you,' and went behind Rukminī. By this act, He became Her Husband.
Then Krishna grasped the feet of Rukminī and placed them on the grinding stone one by one to adorn Her toe with toerings. The grinding stone acquired the status of the jewel-stone crowning the Vedas, due to the association of the hand of the Lord and the foot of Srī. The ritual of seeing Arundhatī, the wife of Vasishta was also performed. Flowers were showered from heavens on the divine Couple. Musical instruments were played and Apsaras danced in the skies. All the divine guests engaged in playful banters and teased Rukminī and Krishna lovingly. Ārati was waved before Them to ward off evil eyes. After all the ceremonies were over, the Parents of the universe bowed before all the elders and sought their blessings. 
Krishna and Rukminī resembled blue and golden lotuses strung together. Their wedding was just a pastime on earth, for They are eternally wedded to each other. They are inseparable like the Sun and its rays, even while being physically separated. Rukminī was dearly loved and cherished by Krishna who always acknowledged Her deep love and devotion. Rukminī always chose Krishna and supported Him throughout Her life. She's non-different from the rest of Krishna's Consorts, so there was no question of any rivalry. All the Queens were equally devoted to Their Lord and Krishna too loved all forms of Srī dearly. On this auspicious day, may we all learn this fact. This divine Rukminī and Krishna are the unparalleled jewel of the Vedas. The creation of the universe is like a play of love for Them. The two are elixir to each other and the delight of the universe. May such a wonderful Couple, who have performed many Līlās to display Their eternal love and understanding stay in our hearts forever and bless us. May this eternally wedded Divya Dampati enable us to relish The tale of Their wedding more and more! May we grow more devoted to Them. May the readers of Rukminī Kalyānam be blessed with happiness and prosperity.
Māi Māi Rakhumāi!
Jai Vaidarbhī Mādhava! 

Hari Priye



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