Alokaye Rukmini Kalyanam! PART-1:

Wishing everyone a very happy Rukminī Krishna Vivāha! Today is the day Krishna married His beloved Vaidarbhī. Rukminī is Srī Herself. When Nārāyana is Rāghava, She is Sītā. When He is Parshurāma, She is Dharanī. When He is Vāmana, She is Padmā. When He is Varāha, She is Bhūmi. When He sports in Vraja, She is Rādhārānī.
What does Devī Rukminī stand for? 
Mahālakshmī as Rukminī has taught us the importance of Sharanāgatī. She has set an example of an ideal Lady who made Her own choices and never submitted Herself to those who didn't respect Her wishes. Strong, independent, courageous, gentle, caring, dutiful, devoted, compassionate and forgiving is Bhaishmī, the Gem among Women. She displayed Her greatness and will through the beauty of Her silent support. Let's see how She has enacted Her pastimes.
King Bhīshmaka was the ruler of the prosperous city Kundināpura. He was a just and powerful ruler. He had five sons- Rukmī, Rukmaratha, Rukmabāhu, Rukmakesha and Rukmamālī. His youngest child and only Daughter was Rukminī, who was the most exalted and lovely one. Her name indicated Her golden complexion and the golden Tilaka on Her forehead. Rukminī was the joy of Vidarbhā. Her Parents were blessed by Her birth and She was dear to all Her brothers. Her playful activites were a delight to watch! She crawled beautifully in the courtyard of Bhīshmaka. She then took Her first steps and walked into Her Mother's arms. She played with dolls and flower ball with Her Sakhīs. She used to place canopies over creepers and nourish them. She cooked delicious food with Her tiny hands and distributed it to everyone. She was an expert in all arts and taught speech to parrots, dance to peacocks and walk to Swans.
Vaidarbhī grew up to be the most beautiful Maiden in the three worlds. She was a storehouse of auspiciousness, transcendental beauty, charm, grace and unmatched divine qualities. Everyday She attended Satsangas where Sages like Nārada came to the court of Her Father and sang the glories of Krishna. Hearing the pastimes, beauty, prowess, greatness and ethereal qualities of Mādhava, Rukminī fell deeply in love with Him even without meeting Him! She decided that Keshava would be the perfect Husband for Her and set Her heart on Him. Her mind was filled with thoughts about Krishna and She longed to wed Him. Similarly, Krishna too heard about the beauty, intelligence, divine conduct and magnanimity of Rukminī from many poets and fell in love with Her. He knew that Rukminī would be ideal for Him and desired to marry Her.
King Bhīshmaka wanted to give Rukminī in marriage to Vāsudeva Krishna. When he held a discussion about this, his eldest son, Prince Rukmī strongly objected his father's decision. "What match is that Cowherd for our Vaidarbhī! My Sister is renowned and refined while Gopāla was born in a prison. He herded cattle and stole clothes. He is nowhere near my Sister! My friend Shishupāla is the one for Her. Let's give Rukminī to the son of Dāmaghosha!" Rukmī ranted impudently. King Bhīshmaka and his relatives didn't wish for this but they silently agreed and made arrangements for the wedding.
When Rukminī came to know about this, She was devastated. Her own brother had not even bothered to ask Her opinion. Her Parents too didn't have a choice. She shed copious tears, wishing that Her Lord would come and take Her away. Suddenly an idea struck Her! She sent for a Brāhmana whom She trusted very much. "What can I do for you, O Princess? Why is your moon-like face dimmed by tears? What bothers you?" He enquired with the tone of a caring Father. "O venerable one! I have set my heart on the son of Devakī but my family is betrothing me to Shishupāla. I need your help in conveying my message to Srī Krishna. I have surrendered myself to Him, for I know none!" Rukminī replied with Her eyes filled with tears. "O Child, worry not! I am blessed to be your messenger. I will meet the Lord of Dwāraka and tell Him about you. He will surely arrive here seeking you!" The Brāhmana assured Her. Rukminī was filled with hope on hearing this. She placed Her full faith on Krishna and wrote a letter, addressing Him in seven Slokās.
Obtaining the letter and taking leave of Rukminī, the Brāhmana travelled to Dwāraka and reached the palace of Dwārakādhīsh. On seeing the Brāhmana, Krishna cheerfully welcomed him, gladly got up from His throne, seated the messenger and worshipped him. He served the choicest of delicacies to his Guest and ensured that he had rested sufficiently. Then Muralīdhara sat beside the Brahmana and began massaging his feet. "O best of Brāhmanās! Are your religious practices proceeding without any difficulty? I repeatedly bow down to noble Ones like you who are satisfied eternally and are the best well-wishers of all living beings. Is your King attending to your welfare? The Kings under whose reign the citizens are happy are very dear to me. What brings you here, O Lord? For what purpose have you graced us by crossing this impassable sea? Explain all this to Us if it is not a secret, and tell Us what We may do for you!" Krishna enquired politely and eagerly and the Brāhmana was touched by His courteousness. "O Mādhava! Nobody can speak such beautiful words other than you. I have come from Vidarbhā with a message from Princess Rukminī. She has dedicated Herself to you and is pining for you. She has entrusted me with this beautiful letter for You." Krishna was extremely joyful on hearing this. His Beloved whom He had been wishing to wed has sent a message for Him! He courteously requested the Brāhmana to read the letter aloud.
The Brāhmana started reading the letter with utmost dedication and adoration that Krishna felt as if Rukminī Herself had appeared before Him to convey Her message. "O Bhuvanasundara! Having heard about Your wonderful qualities which enter the heart through the ears and remove the distress of those who listen, and having heard of Your beauty which fulfills the highest expectations of sight, I have fixed my mind upon you overcoming my bashfulness, O Achyuta! O Mukunda, You belong to an extraordinary lineage, have an outstanding character, ravishing form, great knowledge, youth, fortune and influence and can be compared only to Yourself. Oh Narasimha who delights the entire mankind! Which noble-born girl of marriageable age would not choose You as her Husband? O Ambujāksha! I have chosen You as my Husband and have completely surrendered myself to You. Please accept me as your Wife. Let Chaidya never touch the Hero’s portion like a jackal stealing the property of a Lion. If I have sufficiently worshipped the Supreme One through good deeds, sacrifices, charity, penance, vows and also by worshipping Devas, Brāhmanās and Gurus, then may Gadāgraja come and take my hand and not Dāmaghosha's son or anybody else.
O unconquerable One! Tomorrow when my wedding ceremonies are about to begin, you should arrive unseen in Vidarbhā with the leaders of your army. Then crush the forces of Jarāsandha and Chaidya and marry me in the Rākshasa style, winning me with your valour. In case you are wondering how you could carry me away from the Women's quarters without killing my relatives, I will outline a way. On the day before the wedding there will be a grand procession to honour our Royal family Deity and in this procession the Bride goes outside the city to worship Goddess Girijā. Take me away after I finish my prayers to Ambā. O lotus-eyed One! If I cannot get your grace, I shall simply give up my vital force by doing extreme penance. Even if it takes hundreds of births, I will continue my penance till I obtain you as husband." The Brāhmana finished reading the letter and told, "O Lord of Yadus! This is the messages given by Princess Rukminī. Kindly do whatever that has to be done at once."
Hearing Rukminī's message, Krishna smiled widely and declared, "Just like Rukminī's mind is fixed on me, I can't stop thinking about Her. My thoughts hover around Her like a bee and I can't even sleep at night. I know that Rukmī has forbidden my wedding with Rukminī out of envy. Vaidarbhī is of flawless beauty and conduct. She has dedicated Herself completely to me and I will never fail Her. I will bring Her here after thrashing the rival Kings, just like one brings blazing flame out of firewood." Madhusūdhana swiftly sent for Dāruka. Dāruka brought the Lord’s chariot, yoked with the horses Śaibya, Sugrīva, Meghapushpa and Balāhaka. The Lord and the Brāhmana mounted the chariot and left for Vidarbhā at once. In a single night, they reached the Ānarta district of Vidarbhā.
Meanwhile, preparations for the wedding took place with great pomp in Vidarbhā. King Bhīshmaka ensured that the city was tidy and decorated. The people wore the best of their clothes, ornaments and perfumes. King Bhīshmaka worshipped all the Deities and his ancestors and fed the Brāhmanas. He also presented the Brāhmanas with gold, cows, clothes and sesame seeds mixed with raw sugar. Mantras were chanted to protect the Bride. King Dāmaghosha, Shishupāla, their allies who were more than a thousand kings were welcomed by Bhīshmaka. The rival Kings decided that they would fight against Krishna and Balarāma if They come to steal the Bride. When Balarāma heard that Krishna had gone to Vidarbhā to whisk away Rukminī, he immediately set off to Kundināpura with a mighty army.
The bride Rukminī was dressed in the best of silk garments and exquisite jewellery which were illuminated by Her divine beauty. Her thoughts were fixed on Krishna and She anxiously waited for Him. She didn't see the Brāhmana and became worried. She closed Her tear-filled eyes and thought, "How unfortunate I am! The Brāhmana has not yet arrived and I don't know why. Perhaps the faultless Lord while preparing to come here saw something contemptible in me and therefore has not come to take my hand." Rukminī suddenly felt a twitch in her left thigh, arm and eye. This was a sign that something desirable would happen. At the same moment, the Brāhmana entered Her palace. Rukminī, who was well-versed in interpreting auspicious signs, noticed the joy of the Brāhmana and politely inquired him. The Brāhmana informed Her that Krishna had arrived. Hearing this, Rukminī was overjoyed. She bowed before the Brāhmana and thanked him with deep gratitude.
Krishna, Balarāma and Their army were welcomed eagerly by the King. Bhīshmaka worshipped the divine Brothers and made Them stay in a comfortable house. When the residents of Vidarbhā heard that Lord Keshava had come, they all went to see Him. The people declared, "Rukminī, and no one else deserves to become Hari's wife. He too, possessing such flawless beauty, is the only suitable Husband for Princess Bhaishmī. May Achyuta, the Lord of the three worlds be satisfied with our pious conduct and accept Rukminī."
Princess Rukminī, accompanied by Her mother and Sakhīs, went to the temple of Ambikā on foot. Singers, bards, poets, soldiers, the wives of Brāhmanas and other older women followed Her, carrying scents, garlands and offerings to the Goddess. Thinking about the lotus Feet of Krishna, Rukminī paid respects to Devī Bhavānī and washed Her lotus Feet. The older women guided Vaidarbhī in the rituals for worship. Rukminī sincerely prayed, " O mother Ambikā, wife of Lord Shiva, I repeatedly offer my obeisances to you, together with your children. May Lord Krishna become my husband. Please grant this!" Rukminī offered garlands, grains, scents, jewellery and clothing to Devī Umā and bowed before Her. After finishing all rituals, Rukminī gave up Her vow of silence and left the temple.

To be contined....

Māi Māi Rakhumāi!

Hari Priye


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